Good Afternoon South Dakota! Jan. 4

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This is our new series in which we provide you with a recap of South Dakota Sports from the day prior while you start your afternoon. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the stories. 

Alright so I said another preview was going to be written last week but I went home to visit my family and I didn’t get my computer out all weekend. I wanted to enjoy the time that I had with my family and one of my goals for 2021 is to be more present. With that being said, let’s start off 2021 with a great blog!



You know how much we love buzzer beaters here at Digital Z and what a day. I can’t tell you how cool this is. Let’s go through them:

  1. Stevens 48, Central 46. There is nothing better than defeating your rivals with a buzzer beater. This one was made by Jill Delzer, who missed a first attempt before draining the second one!
  2. White River 62, West Central 60. After recovering from an major knee injury, Caelyn Valandra-Prue made the game winner in Mitchell after dropping 27 points.
  3. Winner 58, Lennox 56. The Winner girl’s have proven they are an elite team and the Winner boy’s are trying to make some noise as well. Elijah Peterson made his only bucket when it mattered. It’s like the Dude Perfect skit of the guy who only makes game winners! (that guy usually ends up being me because I don’t warmup lol)
  4. Sioux Valley 49, Tea Area 48. If you didn’t see this one, check sportscenter.
  5. Western Christian (IA) 65, Dell Rapids 64. No South Dakota slander here, but the dudes from the east made a game winner. Time for Yankton to even the score!

Boys: Is Mitchell slept on?! Thoughts from the I-90 Challenge

I thought that a Wyoming team would sneak a win past Mitchell this past week in the I-90 Challenge and dang was I wrong. And it got me thinking…everytime I see a Mitchell score, I keep walking away impressed. Currently, they hold the best record in Class AA (6-0), and they defeated some solid Wyoming teams.

The only downfall is that their combined SD opponent’s record is 8-12, and I do not believe they have played a ranked team in the Rushmore state. They play Brandon Valley on the 19th and I think that will show how could the Kernels really are.

But are the Kernels slept on? I think so.

Boys: Best Duo In South Dakota?

I have said that the Bruns Bros are probably the best duo in South Dakota, but how about some teammates from Gregory. Last I heard, Daniel Mitchell and Coy Determan average a combined 50.7 ppg. Mitchell also scored 49 points in their last victory over AC/DC (72-47) while making 10 3’s to go along with Determan’s 17.

I still give Bruns Bros the edge, but it’s more 1A while Gregory’s duo is 1B. Either way, both duos are incredible to watch and will only keep getting better!

Girls: Hamlin defeats Tea Area

Hamlin put the state on notice after they defeated #5 Tea Area at the Pentagon. Class A is going to be a battle in the postseason and I think either of these teams have a chance to defeat Winner.

Final Thoughts

I guess I never really mention my name, but if you haven’t guessed it’s TK writing this! The reason I don’t post my name on the Twitter or break news from my personal account is because I believe that sports writers should leave the personal accounts to personal opinions, especially at the local level.

I keep the DZ South Dakota purely for sports and that will never change. I don’t do this for the clout, I just want a place for people to go so they can see South Dakota sports news and not just politics all the time. So please, follow DZ South Dakota on Twitter, cause we are proud to say that we are almost at 200 followers, and we want to keep growing this community!!

But for real though, don’t follow my personal, because I don’t care if I gain a single follower on that account, I just want to grow Digital Z. We have a team that runs the Staff Previews and Twitter accounts, and I don’t want this to be about me, I want this to be about the community we are building!

With that being said, support your community and have a great Monday.

As always, we do our best to include what we can, but we can’t include everybody. We enjoy the support you bring, and next week we will continue to have more analysis and recap on SD Sports!